I have awesome friends. When they heard I hadn't ever seen the movie "Wayne's World" they put together dinner and a special screening, just for me! Of course I didn't hear about till 2 days before, heh heh, glad I made it. So here's my review.
Wayne's World is one of a long list of movies created from Saturday Night Live sketches. Wayne (Mike Meyers) and Garth (Dana Carvey) are two friends who host a public access show out of Wayne's parent's basement (...excellent!). A scheming television producer buys the show for network television, and hilarity, parties, rock 'n roll, babes, heartbreak, and three different endings ensue. Pretty typical and formulaic, a fact that the director is fully aware of and mocks continually throughout the film.
If yer life is boring, that is.
Not to insinuate it is...
Hoo boy.
Wayne's World is one of a long list of movies created from Saturday Night Live sketches. Wayne (Mike Meyers) and Garth (Dana Carvey) are two friends who host a public access show out of Wayne's parent's basement (...excellent!). A scheming television producer buys the show for network television, and hilarity, parties, rock 'n roll, babes, heartbreak, and three different endings ensue. Pretty typical and formulaic, a fact that the director is fully aware of and mocks continually throughout the film.
Much like my mock review.
Ok, I'm tired of writing like that now. [reverts to normal]
- Alice Cooper's history lesson about Milwaukee, gotta love that guy.
- "If she was the President, she'd be Babe-raham Lincoln."
- Nice cameo by Chris Farley, it's waaaayyy too bad he died.
- "I mean, Led Zeppelin didn't write tunes that every one liked. They left that to the Bee Gees."
- The Mirth-mobile
- "It's like people only do things because they get paid, and that's just really sad."
- Bohemian Rhapsodie headbanging
- "I once thought I had mono for an entire year, it turned out I was just really bored."
- Robert Patrick, gotta love that guy too.
If yer life is boring, that is.
Not to insinuate it is...
Hoo boy.
i think i want your friends, can i adopt your friends??
...not for their taste in movies, more for their obvious devotion to you and your education/corruption (as if you need more)
any friends you feel the need to pass my way, feel free to do so :P
so, seen Dogma yet?
Yeah, they're totally great friends, any time yer in Seattle stop by and hang with us!
Dogma... Seen pieces of the "edited for tv" version. I could comment, but but maybe I better see the whole thing first. Somehow I feel I'm not getting the full effect when there are commercial breaks every 7 minutes.
Maybe I'll check with my corrupting friends on that... ;)
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